30% Faster Time to Funding

25% Increased Completion Rate

Your current eSign solution is just that - an eSign solution.
Lightico can help you complete entire auto lending journeys faster, better and more efficiently.
See how Westlake Financial did it.
We'll buy out your legacy eSign contract and set you up for success with Lightco's customer-focused end-to-end .
Lightico integrates into your current system and functions as a digital layer that helps you collect customer paperwork - like forms, signatures, IDs and documents remotely and simply.
This promotional offer is only available with Lightico until December 31, 2020 (the 'buy out period').
The amount of the fees (excluding tax) remaining on your legacy eSign contract (up to 9 months) will be applied to the fees payable under your executed Lightico contract over a period of up to 3 years.
Additional exclusions and limitations may apply.
The World’s Leading Brands Choose Lightico as their Digitization Partner