Experience the Easiest eSign Solution in Market

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Highest Completion rate 87% Completed
Legally-binding eSignatures with a simple finger swipe
Collect instant signatures from customer cell phones
Get signatures via text/SMS or email
Reusable Templates & Documents
Business Ready
Open API integrates easily

Recently Reviewed

“Next level technology with incredible customer service”


Pros: If sending emails and links for esignature is 1.0, Lightico is 2.0! They truly are the future of document completion. I did extensive research looking for a method for my call center to fill in and have customers sign contracts while on the phone. Nothing is easier than Lightico. This product works with the technology of today - mobile, messaging, etc.

Secondly, the Lightico staff is amazing. The white glove support you get is exceptional. I have worked with very friendly individuals who genuinely want to understand your unique business model and needs. They work diligently to make sure they are providing the best service possibly to make you successful.

Cons: So far I haven't found anything in my scope of work where Lightico is lacking. They have done a great job listening to their customers and creating a product to meet their needs.

Overall: In-call esignature allows us to introduce a customer to our offering, fill in contract information fields and send a signature request in a text message all while on a single phone call. The process is seamless and very similar to an interaction you would have with a friend/family member where you are talking and sharing pictures via text while on a call. It's natural, easy and quick. Comparing this to needing to send a link or a document in an email, this is light years ahead of anything else on the market.

“Simply simple and fun!”


“Works great for our insurance and real estate business.”


Accelerate Sales & Service

Instantly complete business-critical customer processes to increase sales, speed-up service and improve CX.

Upgrade Your Customer Experience

Intuitive, agent-guided collaboration ensures customers receive the experience they expect, wherever they are.

Empower Your Team

Eliminate friction in customer calls and enable your teams to work faster, beat their targets and provide the very best service.
“Lightico has enabled us to remove the burdensome paper chase and focus our agent’s time on helping customers. The results show. More customers and more satisfied customers.”
- VP Claims, Madanes Global